
Hillary Clinton Entangled Debt

WASHINGTON - Bill Clinton came to New York today to help pay off the debts his wife, Hillary Clinton. The wife is heavily in debt hundreds of millions of dollars when advanced in the election of Democratic presidential candidate in 2008.

Unmitigated, Bill opened his wallet to pay back an online donation mentioned in his email as "the remnants of the debt still hanging over Clinton's campaign. " Purse donations will be opened Monday and will be used for debt repayment.

A list of sites that refer to the Federal Election Commission United States said Hillary Clinton's campaign is still carrying debt amounted to 771 thousand U.S. dollars. The debt was among others on to research and consulting firm Penn, Schoen and Berland for polling and consulting.

One comment on the internet praised steps taken by the Clinton administration. According to him, he gives examples of how U.S. citizens should have to pay their own bills.

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